Exciting news from us here at the House Party Blog: we've been featured in the Washington Post!

House Party followers, we hope you'll take a moment to read more about us: how the House Party Blog was born, and our Olympic-sized adventure at Paris 2024. From the article:
“At previous games, we’ve had to rely on word of mouth about these [Hospitality House] parties,” says Kalyn, whose toenails are intentionally painted the same lavender as the lanes at the track-and-field venue. “So Tiff took it upon herself to create a website.”
We're thrilled and grateful to journalist Dan Zak and the Washington Post for sharing the joy of Hospitality Houses and the connection they create for Olympic fans around the world.

Another excerpt:
"The houses are like social embassies, or an Epcot for adults. Tiff made the website on her own time and dime, no sponsors or ads or affiliations (she does have a “donate” button on the site, but no one has ever donated). And now plenty of people at the games are using it to maximize their Olympics experience. Page views have reached into the hundreds of thousands, Tiff says, and readership has increased over 1,000 percent. Her inbox is piling up with odd requests, clutch tips and other evidence that she has become somewhat of a minor influencer at these Games."
In addition to the article, Dan was interviewed by the Washington Post's Ava Wallace on the latest episode of The Sports Moment. It's a brilliant and entertaining listen, and you'll get to hear more about the experience of Hospitality Houses from Dan... and Tiff and Kalyn too!
House Party Blog readers, we have you to thank for all of your incredible support, notes of encouragement, and of course - the intel that you've shared with us since we founded the site last year. We're endlessly grateful.
With that, let's get back to the party! Read the latest about Paris 2024 Hospitality Houses here.